Archive Mode. Call 2020 SUMMER DAKOTA PASTELS COMPETITION ended on 9/16/20, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Buckwheat No. 3 Over Red for Oats

Buckwheat No. 3 Over Red for Oats, Established Pastel Artist
Buckwheat No. 3 Over Red for Oats
"Each day is different. There lies the challenge. What's given is different. What I see is different. Mostly, the light changed. Secondly, the field changed. Patient and with intent, I search for one constant and rest my gaze on a shape that is familiar. It grounds me to trust my instincts. I found myself in a place of wanting to paint Bouchard’s red that glistened. A direct and unfiltered experience with nature was essential to my process as the distant fields pulled me close."

Established Pastel Artist    22 x 29 x 2