Archive Mode. Call 2020 SUMMER DAKOTA PASTELS COMPETITION ended on 9/16/20, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Buckwheat No. 13 Zigzag, Diversion Ditch, Green and Blue

Buckwheat No. 13  Zigzag, Diversion Ditch, Green and Blue, Established Pastel Artist
Buckwheat No. 13 Zigzag, Diversion Ditch, Green and Blue
"The land hardly ever looks the same as you left it. The field grows and as it does the color changes. I have seen it run a gamut of greens, to soft then deep burnt sienna; then salmon or yellow with red. The distant fields pulled me close."

Established Pastel Artist    32 x 24 x 2