Archive Mode. Call 2020 SUMMER DAKOTA PASTELS COMPETITION ended on 9/16/20, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Spring Emerging

Spring Emerging, Emerging Pastel Artist
Spring Emerging
"Spring Emerging" was painted in the park near my back yard during quarantine when I couldn't travel far afield. I was looking for some inspiration close by and noticed the new growth in the marshy area in the park. The strong angles and movement created by the dead grasses caught my eye as did the contrast between it and the fragile new grasses that would soon take over the whole area. The morning light raking across the grasses brought out colors not normally seen, but that made the whole image sparkle. These signs of spring gave me hope in the midst of the quarantine, better days would come. The piece was begun en plein air and finished in studio. I used Terry Ludwig, Sennelier and Nu Pastels, Rembrandt on LaCarte paper.

Emerging Pastel Artist    9 x 12