Archive Mode. Call 2020 SUMMER DAKOTA PASTELS COMPETITION ended on 9/16/20, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Waiting For Mama's Return

Waiting For Mama's Return, Emerging Pastel Artist
Waiting For Mama's Return
Pastel with underpainting of oil and turpenoid wash. The art inspiration was from my photograph of an actual baby fawn left by its mother for a number of hours under one of our shade trees on our 4 1/2 acres property while I assume the mother was out feeding. The fawn was very trusting of my taking a photograph but I didn't stay long so not to disturb it. The fawn was later gone with its mother probably into the nearby woods. It is safe on our property and we have noted a couple other fawns in the past left like this though this was my first photo opportunity.

Emerging Pastel Artist    11 x 8